The closest airports are the Brindisi-Casale airport (51km from our location) and the Bari Palese Airport (116km from our location). Below you can find brief indication on how to get here by car. Or we can also assist you in requesting the chaffeur services with our preferred partner.


From Bari (and / or) airport
Take the SS16 towards Brindisi up to the “Ostuni-Pilone” exit, follow the indication towards Ostuni and then to Ceglie Messapica. Once you’ve reached the roundabout follow the provincial route to San Michele Salentino for 1 km, then turn on the right at the San Raffaele Rehabe center and follow the indication for Fikus via google maps.

From Brindisi (and / or) airport
Follow the indication towards the provincial route Brindisi-Taranto, then take the route direction Taranto and drive through up to the Francavilla Fontana Nord exit, then turn right towards Ceglie Messapica. Once you’ve reached the city, follow the instruction towards San Michele Salentino and take the provincial route for 1 km, then turn on the right at the San Raffaele Rehab center and follow the indication for Fikus via google maps.

